Identifying Neuro-COVID-19 Biomarker

Patients devel­op­ing neur­o­lo­gic­al dis­orders post-COV­ID-19 have been repor­ted in high num­bers as research­ers are struggeling to identi­fy the cause.

Neuro-Consequences of SARS-Cov‑2 infection

Com­plic­a­tions of the res­pir­at­ory sys­tem are the most fre­quent and also most fatal con­sequences of SARS-CoV2 infec­tion and have thus been a treat­ment focus. How­ever, evid­ence is amass­ing that involve­ment of the cent­ral and peri­pher­al nervous sys­tem may be more wide­spread than pre­vi­ously assumed. Encephaolpathy, men­in­go­en­ceph­al­it­is, ischaem­ic stroke and Guil­lain-Bar­ré syn­drome are just a few of the observed patho­lo­gies in COVID-19 patients.  A recent press release of the Ger­man Neur­o­logy Found­a­tion (DGN) states that 87% of these patients have per­sist­ent symp­toms(Pressemit­teilung 2020).
Improv­ing iden­ti­fic­a­tion and clas­si­fic­a­tion of affected patient groups is becom­ing an increas­ingly press­ing issue (Fotuhi et al. 2020). Fur­ther­more, patients with COVID-19 neur­o­lo­gic­al impair­ments will require spe­cial­ized, ongo­ing treat­ment with fre­quent fol­low-ups (Car­fi, Bern­abei, and Landi 2020).

Brain 2 V2

Covid-19 Neurological Biomarker Investigation

How­ever, cur­rently our means of identi­fy­ing risk-groups for are insuf­fi­cient and the eti­olo­gies of these neur­o­lo­gic­al symp­toms remain largely unknown. The iden­ti­fic­a­tion of bio­mark­ers asso­ci­ated with spe­cif­ic dis­ease out­comes would be invalu­able. The pre­dict­ive power of these could drive patient-tailored treat­ments. In order to widen research approaches, pro­tein arrays can be util­ized to screen for poten­tial bio­mark­ers, mon­it­or treat­ment or exam­ine dis­ease-rel­ev­ant pro­tein-pro­tein inter­ac­tions.

A study invest­ig­at­ing the inter­actome of SARS-CoV2 by invest­ig­at­ing the pro­tein inter­ac­tion could identi­fy 332 high-con­fid­ence protein–protein inter­ac­tions between SARS-CoV­‑2 and human pro­teins. The iden­ti­fied pro­teins play a role in vari­ous bio­lo­gic­al pro­cesses, includ­ing pro­tein traf­fick­ing, trans­la­tion, tran­scrip­tion and reg­u­la­tion of ubi­quit­in­a­tion (Gor­don et al. 2020).

Special antibodies against nerve cells in SARS-CoV‑2 patients.

SARS-CoV­‑2 medi­ated autoim­mune pro­cesses lead to Neuro-Cov­id. A research group around Prof. Dr. Har­ald Prüß from Char­ité Ber­lin, Ger­many, was able to detect spe­cial autoantibod­ies against nerve cells in 11 intens­ive care patients with COVID-19 and neur­o­lo­gic­al symp­toms (Franke et al. 2020).

Biomarker Discovery with engine Protein Arrays

The suc­cess of the approach indic­ates that pro­tein array screen­ings may lead to fur­ther insight into SARS-CoV2. engine pro­tein arrays are a power­ful tool for high through­put, mul­ti­plexed pro­tein ana­lys­is to dis­cov­er bio­mark­ers of neur­o­lo­gic­al dis­orders. Screen over 10.000 inter­ac­tions in one exper­i­ment. Pro­tein arrays could be used to:

  • determ­ine com­mun­al­it­ies in anti­body pro­files of sim­il­ar patient groups
  • com­pare dif­fer­ent matrices (CSF, blood, lymph,etc.)
  • mon­it­or treat­ment suc­cess
  • enable simple, long-term patient pro­fil­ing


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