Applications & Publications

Protein arrays for your research

Pro­tein arrays open up man­i­fold pos­sib­il­it­ies as they can be used for ana­lys­ing pro­tein inter­ac­tions with numer­ous types of molecules. You can determ­ine auto-anti­body pro­files of com­plex sera, cross-react­iv­ity of mono­clonal anti­bod­ies, pro­tein-pro­tein inter­ac­tion pairs, DNA/RNA-bind­ing pro­teins, and much more.

For more than 20 years our pro­tein arrays, also called high-dens­ity fil­ters, have been used in bio­mark­er research all over the world and for vari­ous indic­a­tions. Wheth­er you want to dis­cov­er new bio­mark­ers for dia­gnostics or ther­apy, or gain a deep­er under­stand­ing of dis­ease or meta­bol­ic path­ways. Get an over­view of your research area in our data­base of pub­lic­a­tions!

Research areas

Pro­tein arrays accel­er­ate your research from hypo­thes­is to val­id­a­tion.

Diseases & pathways

  • Apop­tos­is
  • Autoim­mune dis­eases
  • Can­cer
  • Car­di­ovas­cu­lar dis­ease
  • Corona vir­us
  • Dia­betes
  • Food, micro­bi­o­me, life­style
  • Infec­tion & vac­cin­a­tion
  • Inflam­ma­tion
  • Kid­ney dis­ease
  • Neuro­bi­o­logy
  • Sig­nalling path­ways

Target interactions

  • Anti­body pro­fil­ing (e.g. IgM, IgG, IgA)
  • Anti­body spe­cificity & off-tar­gets
  • DNA/RNA-bind­ing
  • Enzymat­ic modi­fic­a­tions
  • Immune response pro­fil­ing
  • Pro­tein-pro­tein inter­ac­tions
  • Small molecule pro­fil­ing

Biomarker applications

  • Com­pan­ion dia­gnostics
  • Dia­gnostics
  • Drug dis­cov­ery & thera­peut­ics
  • Mon­it­or­ing
  • Per­son­al­ized medi­cine
  • Risk strat­i­fic­a­tion & pro­gnost­ic
  • Pre­dic­tion & response
  • Vac­cin­a­tion

Spotlighted publications

Case studies


Validation of Plasma Proteomic Biomarkers Relating to Brain Amyloid Burden in the EMIF-Alzheimer’s Disease Multimodal Biomarker Discovery Cohort

Dia­gnos­ing Alzheimer’s dis­ease at pre-symp­to­mat­ic stages is the key to decel­er­at­ing dis­ease pro­gres­sion, but it is a costly and invas­ive pro­cess as it requires lumbar punc­ture. By screen­ing patient plasma samples using pro­tein arrays, mass spec­tro­metry, and immun­o­cap­utre meth­ods, the group could identi­fy a 7‑protein bio­mark­er pan­el which is pre­dicted to reduce the screen fail­ure rate by 20% .

West­wood, Sarah et al. “Val­id­a­tion of Plasma Pro­teo­m­ic Bio­mark­ers Relat­ing to Brain Amyl­oid Bur­den in the EMIF-Alzheimer’s Dis­ease Mul­timod­al Bio­mark­er Dis­cov­ery Cohort.” Journ­al of Alzheimer’s dis­ease : JAD vol. 74,1 (2020): 213–225. doi:10.3233/JAD-190434

Gene expression profiling of corona virus microarray datasets to identify crucial targets in COVID-19 patients

In order to gain a bet­ter insight into the mech­an­ism behind SARS-CoV immune dys­reg­u­la­tion asso­ci­ated with high mor­tal­ity, large amounts of microar­ray data were gathered. With the help of this data­set of nor­mal and severe COVID-19 patients, a pro­tein-pro­tein net­work could be con­struc­ted. Hub genes could be iden­ti­fied (e.g CAMP, ELANE, LTF), the dys­reg­u­la­tion of which is asso­ci­ated with high mor­tal­ity rates.

Ramesh, Priy­anka et al. “Gene expres­sion pro­fil­ing of corona vir­us microar­ray data­sets to identi­fy cru­cial tar­gets in COVID-19 patients.” Gene reportsvol. 22 (2021): 100980. doi:10.1016/j.genrep.2020.100980

Combination of Autoantibody Signature with PSA Level Enables a Highly Accurate Blood-Based Differentiation of Prostate Cancer Patients from Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Using Hex1 high-dens­ity pro­tein mac­roar­rays, sera of patients with pro­state can­cer were screened for dis­ease-spe­cif­ic autoantibod­ies. The applied meth­od can dis­tin­guish pro­state can­cer patients from nor­mal con­trols with an accur­acy of 83.2%, mak­ing the iden­ti­fied bio­mark­ers are thus an import­ant dia­gnost­ic tool.

Leidinger, Petra et al. “Com­bin­a­tion of Autoantibody Sig­na­ture with PSA Level Enables a Highly Accur­ate Blood-Based Dif­fer­en­ti­ation of Pro­state Can­cer Patients from Patients with Benign Pro­stat­ic Hyper­plasia.” PloS one vol. 10,6 e0128235. 3 Jun. 2015, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0128235

Identification of a high-affinity network of secretagogin-binding proteins involved in vesicle secretion

The cel­lu­lar inter­ac­tion net­work of the pro­tein secreta­go­gin, which is known for its sup­port for hier­arch­ic­al organ­iz­a­tion­al prin­ciples in the mam­mali­an brain, was expan­ded by nine pro­teins through pro­tein array screen­ings. The inter­ac­tions of the iden­ti­fied pro­teins were veri­fied by means of a GST pull­down assay. The inter­act­ing pro­teins form a spe­cif­ic net­work that medi­ates secre­tion and ves­icle trans­port. This sug­gests a reg­u­lat­ing role for secreta­go­gin in these pro­cesses.

Bauer, Mikael C et al. “Iden­ti­fic­a­tion of a high-affin­ity net­work of secreta­go­gin-bind­ing pro­teins involved in ves­icle secre­tion.” Molecu­lar bioSys­temsvol. 7,7 (2011): 2196-204. doi:10.1039/c0mb00349b

Immunogenicity of autoantigens

This paper examined which struc­tur­al or bio­lo­gic­al fea­tures of cer­tain auto-anti­gens and tumor-asso­ci­ated anti­gens trig­ger an immune response. In-silico meth­ods were used to ana­lyze large struc­tur­al data­bases of pre­vi­ously iden­ti­fied anti­gens, iden­ti­fied with the help of vari­ous human pro­tein array screen­ings. The authors state that pro­teins that are evol­u­tion­ar­ily con­served, have cer­tain sequence motifs or are part of cel­lu­lar struc­tures are more likely to trig­ger auto-immun­o­gen­ic reac­tions.

Backes, Christina et al. “Immun­o­gen­i­city of autoanti­gens.” BMC gen­om­ics vol. 12 340. 4 Jul. 2011, doi:10.1186/1471–2164-12–340

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Protein Array Research Database

Sci­ence is based on shar­ing know­ledge and build­ing on the efforts of oth­ers. With this pub­lic­a­tion data­base, we would like to hon­our the valu­able work of sci­ent­ist – and sup­port you in your research. We will be pleased if this provides you with inspir­a­tion, help­ful inform­a­tion or even makes you aware of pos­sible col­lab­or­a­tions.

What’s inside?

  • Pro­tein array related pub­lic­a­tions, deal­ing with spe­cif­ic dis­eases such as spon­dyloarth­rit­is
  • Stud­ies on over­all indic­a­tions such as autoim­munity
  • Reviews and pub­lic­a­tions focus­sing arrays from the tech­nic­al, meth­od­o­lo­gic­al per­spect­ive
  • Excit­ing papers with pep­tide arrays or oth­er pro­tein arrays

How to use the database

Search by full-text search or cat­egor­ies and keywords to find hits from your desired research field.

We are happy to include new pub­lic­a­tions! Feel free to , if you have any study for our data­base. Please let us also know if some­thing is not work­ing :-).

Please note that the table is only shown in desktop ver­sion.

Simply enter your search term, e.g.:

  • Autoim­mune Dis­eases
  • Can­cer
  • Bio­mark­er Dis­cov­ery
  • Sig­nalling Path­ways
  • Methods/Technology

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