engine – the biomarker company

Pioneers with more than 15 years of experience.

We are your engine for your bio­mark­er dis­cov­ery! Let us boost your research with our engine human pro­tein arrays.

Protein arrays are in our DNA

In 1998 K. Büs­sow et al. cloned and selec­ted a human fetal brain cDNA lib­rary in E. coli (hEx1 lib­rary) in a col­lab­or­a­tion between the Max Planck Insti­tute (MPI) for Molecu­lar Genet­ics and the Resource Cen­ter of the Ger­man Human Gen­ome Pro­ject (RZPD). The clones were then spot­ted as high-dens­ity fil­ters and the expressed pro­teins were detec­ted by anti­bod­ies. This work has built the basis for the engine pro­tein arrays. The hex1 arrays were fur­ther developed from 2007 onwards by the RZPD spin-off imaGenes GmbH (later Source BioS­cience) to the hEXse­lect Array. The cDNA lib­rary for the high-dens­ity pro­tein arrays was exten­ded by pro­tein expres­sion lib­rar­ies from human CD4+ T‑cells, lung, colon so the Uni­PEx Array was cre­ated.

Read more about: Super­char­ging bio­mark­er dis­cov­ery since RZPD

We are the leg­al suc­cessor of RZPD, imaGenes, Source Bios­ciences.

  • 1998: first pub­lic­a­tion about pro­tein arrays by MPI for molecu­lar genet­ics
  • 2000: products developed at RZPD (Res­sourcenzen­trum für Gen­om­forschung)
  • 2007: mar­keted by the spin-off imaGenes GmbH (Ber­lin)
  • 2010: imaGenes taken over by Source BioS­cience (UK)
  • 2013: products dis­con­tin­ued
  • Tech­no­logy and assets acquired by engine in 2016

Dedicated to protein arrays

Our products and ser­vices are made by sci­ent­ists for sci­ent­ists.

jmho v1

Prof. PhD Jörg‑M. Hol­lidt
PhD in phys­ic­al chem­istry (TU, Ber­lin) and Pro­fess­or of Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion for SMEs (UAS, Mit­t­weida) with enthu­si­asm for the big pic­ture.

UNo v1

PhD Ute Non­hoff
Head of Research & Devel­op­ment
PhD in Bio­logy (FU, Ber­lin) with sev­er­al years of exper­i­ence in pro­tein arrays and pas­sion­ate about defend­ing sci­entif­ic cor­rect­ness.

MSn v7

Mor­itz Schneider-Schwar­zkopf
Devel­op­ment & Pro­duc­tion

Has switched from Sac­char­o­my­ces cerevisi­ae to Escheri­chia coli and found his friend and mas­ter in it. Dipl.-Ing. Bio­tech­no­logy & Brew­ing Sci­ence (TU, Ber­lin).

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Ulrike Borau
Fin­ance & Con­trolling
For many years, she has brought under­stand­ing to sci­ent­ists and watched our pro­cesses like a hawk.


Has come to us.

Our partners

Research is cooper­a­tion. There­fore we work intens­ively with our part­ners to offer our cus­tom­ers solu­tions in all areas.

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In the Dia­gnostik Net­zwerk Ber­lin-Branden­burg, com­pan­ies and insti­tutes have joined forces with users from clin­ics and med­ic­al labor­at­or­ies to devel­op and mar­ket new and improved in vitro dia­gnostics that meet their needs.

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in.vent Dia­gnost­ica GmbH is europe’s lead­ing sup­pli­er of high-qual­ity human bio­spe­ci­men. Pre­cise dia­gnostics and com­pre­hens­ive tests are needed for early detec­tion and clas­si­fic­a­tion of dis­eases and for mon­it­or­ing. in.vent sup­plies the right samples for each in-vitro dia­gnostics pro­ject.

CANDOR Bioscience GmbH The ELISA

CANDOR Bios­cience sup­plies solu­tions to immun­odia­gnostics kit man­u­fac­tur­ers. Sta­bil­izers, sur­face block­ers and HAMA & inter­fer­ence block­ers help to avoid false res­ults and enable longer shelf lives for kits such as ELISA, lat­er­al flow assays, pro­tein arrays and oth­ers.

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The AIT Aus­tri­an Insti­tute of Tech­no­logy is Austria’s largest research insti­tute and regards itself as a highly spe­cial­ised R&D part­ner for industry. One focus of the Unit Molecu­lar Dia­gnostics is provide ser­vices with its innov­at­ive high through­put tech­no­lo­gies, using pro­tein and pep­tide microar­rays, bead arrays, mul­ti­plex pro­tein like pre-defined and cus­tom­ized ana­lys­is and assay devel­op­ment.

Contact us


Neuen­dorf­str. 17
16761 Hen­nigs­dorf

Pro­duc­tion Site

Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
Erwin-Negel­ein-Haus (D79)
13125 Ber­lin



+49 (0) 3302 551990
+49 (0) 163 7812775

Email Us