Why are we in the life sciences?

Wheth­er you’re research­ing nov­el bio­mark­ers or dis­ease path­ways – you want to improve human lives. At engine, we know that your work paves the way for bet­ter dia­gnostics, bet­ter treat­ment, and bet­ter lives. And we know the poten­tial that pro­tein arrays offer to sup­port research.

This is the story of us — how our team came to be and how we can sup­port your innov­a­tion:

It all goes back to the RZPD, the Res­sourcenzen­trum Primärd­aten­bank, or the Ger­man Resource Cen­ter for Gen­ome Research. The RZPD was foun­ded as a ref­er­ence library/primary data­base (RLDB) to dis­trib­ute gen­om­ic and cDNA microar­rays and moved to Ber­lin in early 1995. The RZPD was then launched in the sum­mer. It quickly became the most com­pre­hens­ive genet­ic clone data­base in the world.

But what about pro­tein arrays? Let’s take a leap for­ward, three years.

In 1998, the Max Planck Insti­tute (MPI) for Molecu­lar Genet­ics and the RZPD col­lab­or­ated on the first Ger­man pro­tein array and one of the first in the world. K. Büs­sow et al. cre­ated a human fetal brain cDNA in E. coli, build­ing the basis for our hEx1 lib­rary.

From that very first art­icle, we knew we were onto some­thing – a tech­no­logy that would change pro­teo­m­ics forever:

“(…) high-through­put screen­ing of an arrayed pro­tein expres­sion lib­rary is an eco­nom­ic­al way of gen­er­at­ing large num­bers of clones pro­du­cing recom­bin­ant human pro­teins for struc­tur­al and func­tion­al ana­lyses.”

In 2016, we became the proud suc­cessor of these early innov­at­ors. We con­tin­ue to super­charge pro­tein array screen­ing, eval­u­ation, and pro­ject upscal­ing. We have been the engine, boost­ing over 100 pub­lic­a­tions in incred­ibly diverse areas. Our pro­tein arrays have been used to:

  • Val­id­ate Autoantibod­ies for com­plex region­al pain syn­drome
  • Cre­ate nov­el pro­state can­cer dia­gnostics
  • Under­stand autoim­mun­o­gen­ic reac­tions
  • Identi­fy mark­er for dilated car­di­omy­opathy (DCM)
  • … and more

We are con­fid­ent our pro­tein arrays will con­tin­ue to power trans­form­a­tion­al sci­ence. To quote Prof. Dr. Hol­lidt of in.vent Dia­gnost­ica GmbH:

“The future of dia­gnostics lies in per­son­al­ized medi­cine. With the pro­tein arrays, it is pos­sible to take a look at the per­son­al anti­body level of each per­son and thus com­pare entire pat­terns instead of indi­vidu­al anti­gens – and this is much easi­er than with any oth­er tool. To devel­op 21st cen­tury dia­gnostics and thera­peut­ics, we need pre­cise human samples and a broad­er tool for bio­mark­er dis­cov­ery.”

Do you want to learn more about the applic­a­tions of our pro­tein arrays? We have an entire lib­rary of pub­lic­a­tions cov­er­ing a wide range of research areas.

We are also happy to talk to you dir­ectly. We can cre­ate per­son­al­ized arrays or offer the hEXse­lect and the Uni­PEx pro­tein arrays. The hEXse­lect is a dir­ect suc­cessor of the ori­gin­al hEx1 lib­rary.

Are you ready to take your research to the next level? Book your free brain­storm­ing ses­sion today!

  • Büs­sow, K., Nord­hoff, E., Lüb­bert, C., Lehrach, H., & Wal­ter, G. (2000). A human cDNA lib­rary for high-through­put pro­tein expres­sion screen­ing. Gen­om­ics, 65(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1006/geno.2000.6141
  • Baer­leck­en, N. T., Gaulke, R., Pursche, N., Witte, T., Karst, M., & Bern­ateck, M. (2019). Autoantibod­ies against P29ING4 are asso­ci­ated with com­plex region­al pain syn­drome. Immun­o­lo­gic research, 67(6), 461–468. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12026-020–09114‑y
  • Mas­son­er, P., Luek­ing, A., Goehler, H., Höp­fn­er, A., Kowald, A., Kugler, K. G., Amersdor­fer, P., Horn­inger, W., Bartsch, G., Schulz-Knappe, P., & Klock­er, H. (2012). Ser­um-autoantibod­ies for dis­cov­ery of pro­state can­cer spe­cif­ic bio­mark­ers. The Pro­state, 72(4), 427–436. https://doi.org/10.1002/pros.21444
  • Preuss, K. D., Pfre­und­schuh, M., Wei­gert, M., Fadle, N., Regitz, E., & Kubuschok, B. (2015). Sumoylated HSP90 is a dom­in­antly inher­ited plasma cell dys­crasi­as risk factor. The Journ­al of clin­ic­al invest­ig­a­tion, 125(1), 316–323. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI76802
  • Horn, S., Luek­ing, A., Murphy, D., Staudt, A., Gut­jahr, C., Schulte, K., König, A., Lands­ber­ger, M., Lehrach, H., Felix, S. B., & Cahill, D. J. (2006). Pro­fil­ing humor­al autoim­mune rep­er­toire of dilated car­di­omy­opathy (DCM) patients and devel­op­ment of a dis­ease-asso­ci­ated pro­tein chip. Pro­teo­m­ics, 6(2), 605–613. https://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.200401293

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