Array Content & Coverage

Explore our protein universe

engines high-con­tent hEXse­lect and Uni­PEx pro­tein arrays con­sist of more than 15,000 human anti­gens. The broad and unique human pro­teo­me cov­er­age gives you the oppor­tun­ity to ana­lyse inter­ac­tions with full-length pro­teins, iso­forms, pep­tides – and even neoanti­gens such as frameshift pep­tides as poten­tial bio­mark­ers. Our anti­gens include major func­tion­al classes , cov­er dif­fer­ent tis­sues and are involved in a broad range of dis­eases.

Content of engine Protein Arrays

We dif­fer­en­ti­ate the human anti­gens on our arrays into full-length pro­teins, pro­tein iso­forms & pep­tides and neoanti­gens & frameshift pep­tides. Frameshift muta­tions are com­monly the cause of severe patho­lo­gies so neoanti­gens and frameshift pep­tides are rel­ev­ant in dif­fer­ent dis­eases. The com­bin­a­tion of estab­lished, pub­lished and well-char­ac­ter­ised anti­gens and neoanti­gens enables you to dis­cov­er hypo­thes­is-free and unbiased nov­el bio­mark­ers and increases your chance for new, decis­ive dis­cov­er­ies.

hEXselect Array

The hEXse­lect Array (product no. 1003) has >57,000 spots and >21,000 human anti­gens which rep­res­ents >7,000 dif­fer­ent human genes.

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UniPEx Array

The Uni­PEx Array (product no. 1008) has >36,000 spots and >15,000 human anti­gens which rep­res­ents >6,000 dif­fer­ent human genes.

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Con­trols and human pro­tein & pep­tide express­ing E. coli clones are spot­ted onto a PVDF mem­brane. Guid­ing spots, as well as blanks and E. coli clones with empty vec­tors are used as con­trols. The E. coli clones are spot­ted at least in duplic­ate.

Unique human proteome coverage

Our anti­gen lib­rary con­sists of >27,000 dif­fer­ent human anti­gens, rep­res­en­ted on hEXse­lect and/or Uni­PEx Array. To give you an insight on how these anti­gens cov­er the human pro­teo­me, we ana­lysed our >2,000 dif­fer­ent full-length pro­teins with the Human Pro­tein Atlas and dis­play in the fol­low­ing charts the gen­er­al pro­tein classes, tis­sue expres­sion and dis­ease involve­ment. Please note that pro­teins can also be part of sev­er­al groups, like expres­sion in sev­er­al tis­sues.

General protein classes

Pro­tein sub­classes of full-length pro­teins.

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Tissue expression

The human pro­tein expres­sion lib­rary is derived from human fetal brain, CD4+ T‑cells, lung and colon cDNA, but our anti­gens cov­er a broad­er range of tis­sue expres­sion.

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Disease involvement

The full-length pro­teins are involved in 96 dif­fer­ent dis­eases. With nov­el bio­mark­er dis­cov­ery this list will prob­ably expand.

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Find your gene of interest!

We have lis­ted in our gene find­er data­base all genes that are on our hEXse­lect or Uni­PEx array. Use the full-text search to find the gene from your desired research field.

You need more inform­a­tion?
Down­load the com­plete gene find­er file (xlsx, 19.3 MB), or just send us a .

What’s inside?

  • Clone on hEXse­lect or Uni­PEx Array
  • group­ing of full-length, pro­tein iso­form or pep­tide, neoanti­gen
  • name of cloned gene & syn­onyms based on DNA
  • gene ID & HGNC ID of cloned gene
  • NCBI URL adress of cloned gene & title of URL adress
wpData­Table with provided ID not found!

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