Take a look at our lab!

In this post, we take a look inside our lab and show you how our pro­tein arrays are made. The heart of our pro­tein array tech­no­logy is our robot. And like every beloved piece of labor­at­ory equip­ment, we have named it: Baloo

Our Protein Arrays

We offer dif­fer­ent types of pro­tein arrays wich present over 15.000 human pro­teins and pep­tides derived from dif­fer­ent tis­sues based on a human fetal brain, T‑cells, lung and colon cDNA libar­ies. Our engine arrays based on the pro­tein array tech­no­logy of Source Bios­ciences, imaGenes and RZPD.

Besides our cos­tum­ized arrays we also offer our 22x22 cm pro­tein array hEXse­lect (product no. 1003) and Uni­PEx (product no. 1008). The fol­low­ing video shows you how we man­u­fac­ture these.

How to create engine protein arrays


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  1. Roboter arm pick­ing up a microtiter plate, con­tain­ing 384 indi­vidu­al E. coli clones of a cDNA expres­sion lib­rary from the hotel.
  2. Plate cov­er is lif­ted off auto­mat­ic­ally.
  3. The gad­get, con­sist­ing of 384 steel needles, care­fully stirs the E. coli clones.
  4. Clones are spot­ted onto the PVDF mem­brane.
  5. After spot­ting, the PVDF mem­branes are placed on agar plates and E. coli clones are grown over night and pro­tein expres­sion is induced.

How to use our arrays

After the arrays are pro­duced, they can be eas­ily stored at room tem­per­at­ure and shipped world­wide. You need only 50 µl sample, vari­ouse mat­rix is pos­sible, e.g. ser­um, CSF or cell super­natant. The incub­a­tion sheme is as simple as a West­ern Blot.

  1. Rehyd­ra­tion of array (PDVF mem­brane)
  2. Remov­al of E. coli debris
  3. Wash­ing
  4. Block­ing
  5. Incub­a­tion with sample
  6. Wash­ing
  7. Incub­a­tion with sec­ond­ary anti­body
  8. Detec­tion with sub­strate
  9. Soft­ware-based eval­u­ation

Discover novel Biomaker

Our pro­tein array tech­no­logy is unbiased and hypo­thes­is-free, so you get a high dis­cov­ery power to detect nov­el bio­mark­ers and allows an object­ive ana­lys­is of caus­al dis­ease-cor­rel­a­tions. You can identi­fy dis­ease-related asso­ci­ations and com­pare sera, CSF or cell super­natants – as desired, from patient or dis­eases groups, con­trols or healthy indi­vidu­als.


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