engine Protein Arrays

Your chance for breaking discoveries

Our high-dens­ity pro­tein arrays present over 15,000 human pro­teins and pep­tides derived from dif­fer­ent tis­sues. The cor­res­pond­ing cDNA expres­sion lib­rar­ies were val­id­ated, and advanced in more than 15 years of exper­i­ence. The com­bin­a­tion of estab­lished, pub­lished and well-char­ac­ter­ized anti­gens and neoanti­gens enables you to dis­cov­er nov­el bio­mark­ers hypo­thes­is-free and unbiased.

Unique coverage of human proteome

High con­tent of >15,000 full-length anti­gens, pro­tein iso­forms & pep­tides, neoanti­gens & frameshift pep­tides.

Largest neoantigen library

Address ques­tions or dis­cuss res­ults with your ded­ic­ated, exper­i­enced expert.

Robust & documented technology

  • Pub­lished in >100 stud­ies:
    Proven by sci­entif­ic com­munity
  • Robust tech­no­logy:
    E. coli clones spot­ted in high dens­ity on PVDF mem­brane
  • Trus­ted ori­gin:
    based on the tech­nique of RZPD, imaGenes and Source Bios­ciences
  • Clones in duplic­ate:
    for reli­able and repro­du­cible res­ults
  • Per­man­ent eval­u­ation of qual­ity:
    peri­od­ic review of the annota­tion

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Protein Arrays

hEXselect Protein Array

Human fetal brain cDNA lib­rary

>57,000 spots in total with >21,000 dis­tinct human anti­gens rep­res­ent­ing >7,000 dif­fer­ent genes.

1,100 € per array, bulk dis­count pos­sible

UniPEx Protein Array

Human fetal brain, T‑cells, lung and colon cDNA lib­rary

>36,000 spots in total with >15,000 dis­tinct human anti­gens rep­res­ent­ing >6,000 dif­fer­ent genes.

1,100 € per array, bulk dis­count pos­sible

Custom Protein Array


Gen­er­ated from sub­sets of our human fetal brain, T‑cells, lung and colon cDNA lib­rary. Size ranges from 500 up to 13,000. Clones spot­ted in duplic­ates.

Prices on request.

Enzymatic modification

Invest­ig­ate if cit­rul­lin­a­tion, phos­phoryla­tion or car­bamyl­a­tion are dis­ease-asso­ci­ated or caus­at­ive. Our pro­tein arrays can be mod­i­fied enzymat­ic­ally. For example, rheum­at­oid arth­rit­is autoantibod­ies are usu­ally dir­ec­ted against cyc­lic cit­rul­lin­ated pep­tides.




Protein array research database

What our customers say

“To identi­fy poten­tial bio­mark­ers asso­ci­ated with axi­al spon­dyloarth­rit­is, we used the engine bio­mark­er screen­ing ser­vice. As a first step, we had the autoantibody pro­files of 4 patients invest­ig­ated. In the course of this invest­ig­a­tion on Uni­PEx arrays, more than 50 poten­tial anti­gens could be iden­ti­fied. A subar­ray was cre­ated for these can­did­ates and in a second step, a lar­ger num­ber of patients could eas­ily be testet. This allowed us, to fur­ther nar­row down our poten­tial bio­mark­er can­did­ates. These will now be val­id­ated in fur­ther stud­ies on a dif­fer­ent plat­form. The engine pro­tein arrays are a great tool for broad bio­mark­er screen­ing in the field of autoim­mune dis­eases. The engine team has sup­por­ted us through­out the pro­cess and the screen­ing ser­vice has allowed us to focus on our oth­er pro­jects in par­al­lel with the test­ing.”

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