Reliable Quality

The way you expect it

your reli­able part­ner for pro­tein arrays. We cov­er the entire value chain — from cDNA and clone lib­rary over in-house pro­duc­tion and qual­ity con­trol to test­ing arrays includ­ing sample and data eval­u­ation with our pro­pri­et­ary soft­ware.

cDNA library & E. coli clones

Trusted origin

  • Human fetal brain hEx1 lib­rary (MPI & RZPD)
  • Human CD4+ T‑cells, lung, colon lib­rary (imag­Genes & Source Bios­ciences)
  • All clones have been 5’tag sequenced
  • Peri­od­ic review of the annota­tion

in-house production

ISO 9001 & 13485

  • Batch trace­ab­il­ity
  • Doc­u­mented pro­duc­tion
  • In pro­cess & final qual­ity con­trol
  • Qual­ity cer­ti­fic­ate for each array

engine protein arrays

Reliable results

  • E. coli clones are spot­ted at least in duplic­ate
  • Dif­fer­ent clones rep­res­ent the same gene but dif­fer in the gene cov­er­age
  • E. coli clones with empty vec­tors are used as con­trols
  • Guid­ing spots & blanks ensure data ana­lys­is

No unspecific E. coli binding!

Con­trols and human pro­tein and pep­tide express­ing E. coli clones are spot­ted onto a PVDF mem­brane. Guid­ing spots, as well as blanks and E. coli clones with empty vec­tors are used as con­trols. The E. coli clones are spot­ted at least in duplic­ate. An inter­ac­tion (e.g. ser­um anti­body binds to anti­gen) is con­sidered pos­it­ive (hit), if the sig­nal-intens­it­ies of both clones of the duplic­ate are clearly high­er than the sig­nal from the blank and empty vec­tor con­trols. In this way, we can ensure that no non-spe­cif­ic bind­ings are eval­u­ated as false pos­it­ives.

Proprietary software for your results

To ensure that the eval­u­ation of the arrays is as simple and quick as pos­sible, we provide soft­ware solu­tions for the entire bio­mark­er screen­ing pro­cess.


Every 6 months, the gene sequences and cor­res­pond­ing pro­tein sequences of all clones are re-annot­ated and blas­ted against Ref­Seq sequences to account for data­base updates. The annota­tion ver­sions are retained to ensure trace­ab­il­ity.


VisualPattern20 is a soph­ist­ic­ated image ana­lys­is to sup­port the pro­tein array ana­lys­is and to make the res­ults com­par­able. VisualPattern20 is using new­est image data algorithm to improve qual­ity and per­form­ance. The pos­it­ive hits are then matched with the clone inform­a­tion of the most recent annota­tion table. You can ana­lyse and com­pare the data sets of your samples.

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