Win a congress ticket for Biomarkers UK, 08 — 09 November 2021

Bio­mark­ers UK: In-Per­son is back. Designed to provide for­ward-look­ing insights into the latest trends and tools impact­ing bio­mark­er research, it brings togeth­er lead­ing experts from glob­al phar­ma­ceut­ic­al organ­iz­a­tions, innov­at­ive biotech com­pan­ies and inter­na­tion­ally renowned aca­dem­ic insti­tu­tions work­ing across mul­tiple thera­peut­ic areas and stages of drug devel­op­ment. Win an In-Per­son Pass with access to all agenda ses­sions over the 2 days of the event. More inform­a­tion:

Submit your biomarker project idea

Accel­er­ate your research with the unbiased dis­cov­ery of bio­mark­ers on any mat­rix with engine’s pro­tein arrays. Our fast ana­lys­is guar­an­tees high dis­cov­ery power by ana­lys­ing inter­ac­tions with >10,000 human full-length anti­gens, pro­tein iso­forms & pep­tides. Our arrays cov­er­ing a broad range of the human pro­teo­me and har­bour the largest neoanti­gen & frameshift pep­tide lib­rary world­wide! More details about our arrays.

Sub­mit a short abstract and win a con­gress tick­et and up to 20 % dis­count on engine screen­ing ser­vice.

Applic­a­tions sub­mis­sion dead­line: 15th Septem­ber 2021. Apply now!

engine Biomarker Project Idea Call


  • Applic­a­tions sub­mis­sion dead­line: Septem­ber 15th, 2021
  • Win­ner noti­fic­a­tion: Septem­ber 30th,2021

Project Proposals

  • engine Uni­PEx or hEXse­lect pro­tein array
  • Pur­i­fied anti­bod­ies, human ser­um or plasma
  • Detec­tion of human IgM, IgA or IgG


  • 1st Prize:  One In-Per­son Pass for Bio­mark­ers UK, 08 – 09 Novem­ber in Manchester UK, and 20 % vouch­er*
  • 2nd Prize: 20 % vouch­er*
  • All oth­er par­ti­cipants: 10 % vouch­er*

* vouch­er for engine bio­mark­er screen­ing ser­vice, redeem­able once, val­id until 31 Decem­ber 2022, applic­a­tion have to ful­fil all cri­ter­ia

Submission Content

  • Plat­form of interest (Uni­PEx or hEXse­lect pro­tein array)
  • A detailed descrip­tion of your research pro­ject, includ­ing sample mat­rix and num­ber
  • Research study back­ground inform­a­tion
  • Inform­a­tion on how the pro­ject will enable your labor­at­ory to enhance cur­rent research or enable research not cur­rently under­taken
  • Inten­ded use of the data gen­er­ated

IMPORTANT: The total sub­mis­sion should be no more than 500 words.

Selection Criteria

All sub­mis­sions received on or before the dead­line will be reviewed by engine sci­ent­ists and the win­ner will be selec­ted on the fol­low­ing cri­ter­ia:

  • Impact of the study being developed
  • Well-defined pro­pos­al with pre­cise research goals
  • Rel­ev­ance of the dis­ease, also rare dis­eases, are very wel­come.


  • Applic­ants must be age 18 or older
  • Applic­ants must be employed at a Research Insti­tute (private or aca­demia), Health­care organ­iz­a­tions, a Pharma / Biotech com­pany, or a Con­tract Research Organ­iz­a­tion (CRO) in a capa­city in which they per­form life sci­ences research.

Submission Form

If you have any ques­tions about the bio­mark­er pro­ject idea call: !

Email Us