A human diagnostics internship you wish you have had!

Do you remem­ber the intern­ships you did when you were in school or uni­ver­sity? For some of us, this was decis­ive for our later choice of career or spe­cial­iz­a­tion at uni­ver­sity. These import­ant events we would like to sup­port. We have developed a kit espe­cially for school­chil­dren and stu­dents to eas­ily identi­fy bio­mark­ers. Our kit can be used as an example for state-of-the-art humane dia­gnostics to teach mod­ern meth­ods of prac­tic­al research. Ber­lin’s Gläsernes Labor and the Beuth Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­ences Ber­lin are already on board!

We support the scientists of tomorrow — Why protein arrays for internships?

Research­ers all over the world use our pro­tein arrays for bio­mark­er iden­ti­fic­a­tion e.g., in autoim­munity and can­cer. We would like to give young sci­ent­ists the oppor­tun­ity to use this meth­od of bio­mark­er research as well.

Typ­ic­ally, stu­dents learn the clas­sic immun­oas­says such as ELISA and West­ern blot. But these can only be used, if you already know which anti­gen you want to exam­ine. For bio­mark­er research, ELISA is not enough. Research­ers need to go new ways – as they are doing with our pro­tein arrays. 

Our pro­tein arrays are based on E. coli clones, spot­ted onto PVDF mem­branes, which express more than 10,000 human pro­teins and pep­tides dir­ectly on the mem­brane. The pro­cess is very simple – just like a west­ern blot: the arrays are incub­ated with your selec­ted sample and the bound anti­bod­ies are detec­ted. 

Scientists and teachers face similar challenges.

Time pres­sure, the chal­lenge to devel­op some­thing new, being up-to-date, or being suc­cess­ful – wheth­er you are a sci­ent­ist or a teach­er, you are facing almost the same prob­lems in every­day work­ing life. Our pro­tein arrays provide a con­veni­ent and up-to-date meth­od to dis­cov­er new bio­mark­er in an easy and repro­du­cible way.

With our intern­ship kit teach­ers have the per­fect com­bin­a­tion of prac­tic­al research and mod­ern meth­ods. Our kits can be set up indi­vidu­ally accord­ing to teach­ing con­tents or age groups.

Beuth University & Gläsernes Labor are now part of the protein array community

The Beuth Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­ences in Ber­lin and the Gläsernes Laborin Ber­lin use our pro­tein arrays suc­cess­fully.

The kits con­tain ser­um samples from autoim­munity patients and self-declared healthy per­sons as con­trols and have been adap­ted to their respect­ive focus and age groups. The stu­dents at the Uni­ver­sity of Beuth learn to use our arrays in the pro­teo­m­ics intern­ship com­bined with an intro­duc­tion to mass spec­tro­metry. The “Gläsernes Labor” util­izes our kit for the immun­o­logy intern­ship for school­chil­dren. We sup­port the imple­ment­a­tion with:

  • imple­ment­a­tion pro­tocol
  • videos of pro­tein arrays pro­duc­tion
  • indi­vidu­al dis­cus­sions
  • reagents and com­pos­i­tion
  • tem­plates for visu­al ana­lys­is of pos­it­ive spots

With our pro­tein array intern­ship-kits we bring school­chil­dren and stu­dents closer to mod­ern research approaches for the next revolu­tion in dia­gnostics.

You like this idea?

Our pro­tein arrays are an easy way to identi­fy new bio­mark­ers — in school or in research. If you know schools or uni­ver­sit­ies that would also like to test our intern­ship kit, for­ward the post or email us!


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