Protein arrays & procurement of human biospecimens

We identify & validate your biomarker!

We upgrade our ser­vice! With our new cooper­a­tion part­ner in.vent dia­gnost­ica GmbH we offer you a pro­tein array kit to identi­fy and val­id­ate your bio­mark­er — from bio­spe­ci­men to upscal­ing.

Your full-service protein array kit

  • pro­cure­ment of human bio­spe­ci­men
  • pro­tein array screen­ing & detailed eval­u­ation
  • upscal­ing of mater­i­al and array
  • short time and cost-effect­ive pro­ject man­age­ment and real­isa­tion
  • logist­ics, mater­i­al trans­fer and array per­form­ance at one site
  • Run lab exper­i­ments and clin­ic­al tri­als in par­al­lel

Human biospecimens from specialists

Our new cooper­a­tion part­ner in.vent Dia­gnost­ica GmbH is a reli­able spe­cial­ist for pro­cure­ment of human bio­spe­ci­mens offer­ing:

  • >100,000 indi­vidu­al ser­um samples
  • from µl to L scale
  • pan­els & con­trols

in.vent ready-to-use pan­els sup­port you to identi­fy new bio­mark­er of autoim­mune dis­eases like Crohn’s Dis­ease, Dia­betes Type I & II, Rheum­at­oid Arth­rit­is, Sjö­gren Syn­drome, Sys­tem­ic Lupus Eryth­em­atosus, Ulcer­at­ive Colit­is.


Your project could look like this

With our pro­tein array kit we boost you bio­mark­er researche identi­fy — from bio­spe­ci­men to upscal­ing. Your Ques­tion. Our Ser­vice. Your Res­ult! .

  1. For your indi­vidu­al inquir­ies suit­able samples in.vent sup­plies
  2. Array-based screen­ing by engine
  3. in.vent provides spe­cif­ic bio­spe­ci­men (e.g. gender-sor­ted, dia­gnose-based pan­els)
  4. Your pre­cise selec­tion of pro­teins for more spe­cif­ic sub-array, used for screen­ing by for a more spe­cif­ic array screen­ing by engine
  5. Upscal­ing: your assay devel­op­ment, in.vent sup­plies pan­els and con­trol samples, cal­ib­rat­ors and pools
  6. Done!

engine Protein Arrays

engine offers cus­tom­ised and stand­ard pro­tein arrays present­ing numer­ous human pro­tein col­lec­tions of dif­fer­ent size ran­ging from 500 up to more than 10,000 indi­vidu­al clones. We provide­the hEXse­lect pro­tein array (source: human fetal brain cDNA) and the Uni­PEx pro­tein array (source: human fetal brain, T‑cells and lung cDNA) as our stand­ard pro­tein arrays, we also offer cos­tum­ized arrays.

Send us your ques­tion or make an appoint­ment for a free brain­storm­ing ses­sion for your pro­ject. Send us an .


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