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Each month, we research an inter­est­ing top­ic for you and present it in our news­let­ter. In our news blog you can read our com­pany news to find out more about our pro­tein array tech­no­logy, cooper­a­tion pro­jects, product news and our vis­its of trade fairs and con­fer­ences. In our sci­entif­ic art­icles we high­light new dis­cov­er­ies from vari­ous fields e.g. autoim­munity, can­cer, SARS-CoV­‑2. Stay tuned — simply sub­scribe for our news­let­ter


Are You Making the Most of Peptide and Protein Arrays?

Pep­tide & pro­tein arrays are lead­ing-edge tools in research. Read what you should know about the dif­fer­ent types to make the most of them.

Antibody Specificity Means Quality Results… But Can You Trust It?

Anti­body spe­cificity can break your research. Don’t trust anti­bod­ies blind — read how pro­tein arrays can help you stop off-tar­get activ­it­ies.

engine the Biomarker Company: Supercharging Discovery Since RZPD

Pro­tein arrays have revo­lu­tion­ized pro­teo­me research, accel­er­ated by RZPD. At engine, we have sup­por­ted this research for 15+ years.

Call for Biomarker Project Idea

Pro­tein arrays have revo­lu­tion­ized pro­teo­me research, accel­er­ated by RZPD. At engine, we have sup­por­ted this research for 15+ years.

Autoimmunity Biomarker Discovery: Spotlight on SLE

Autoim­munity bio­mark­er dis­cov­ery is com­plic­ated, due to unclear cause & wide range of effects. Pro­tein arrays accel­er­ate your path to paper-ready res­ults.

Covid-19 Biomarker Discovery

Cov­id-19 increases the pres­sure on research to unpre­ced­en­ted levels. Our pro­tein arrays can help you get pub­lic­a­tion-ready res­ults faster.

Huntington’s Disease Frameshift Mutations and Biomarker Discovery

Study­ing frameshift muta­tion in neuro­de­gen­er­at­ive dis­ease changes lives. With our pro­tein arrays, it’s also much faster and more effi­cient.

Biomarker identification at school!

A human dia­gnostics intern­ship you wish you have had! Do you remem­ber the intern­ships you did […]

12th International Congress on Autoimmunity

engine presents an abstract of Bio­mark­er Dis­cov­ery for Sys­tem­ic Lupus eryth­em­at­odes to the vir­tu­al Autoim­munity Con­gress (28.05.–01.06.21)

Frameshift Mutation in Cancer Research

Identi­fy­ing Bio­mark­ers and Dis­ease Mech­an­isms with Pro­tein Arrays Frameshift muta­tions are com­monly the cause of severe […]

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