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Read what’s going on in research.

Each month, we research an inter­est­ing top­ic for you and present it in our news­let­ter. In our news blog you can read our com­pany news to find out more about our pro­tein array tech­no­logy, cooper­a­tion pro­jects, product news and our vis­its of trade fairs and con­fer­ences. In our sci­entif­ic art­icles we high­light new dis­cov­er­ies from vari­ous fields e.g. autoim­munity, can­cer, SARS-CoV­‑2. Stay tuned — simply sub­scribe for our news­let­ter


Medica & Analytica 2020

The world lead­ing trade fairs Medica and Ana­lyt­ica were 2020 vir­tu­al. Vis­it our digit­al exhib­it­or pro­file of engine pro­tein arrays.

Covid 19 attacks Brain — Biomarker Research

Cov­id-19 induced brain effects have been repor­ted in many sci­entif­ic reports — pro­tein arrays can sup­port the bio­mark­er dis­cov­ery.

Protein Array Kit by engine & invent

With our new cooper­a­tion part­ner in.vent we offer you a pro­tein array kit to identi­fy and val­id­ate your bio­mark­er — from bio­spe­ci­men to upscal­ing.

Protein Array Technology of engine

Our pro­tein array tech­no­logy based on more than 10.000 human pro­teins & pep­tides. The incub­a­tion sheme is as simple as a West­ern Blot!

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